Thursday, March 8, 2012

"PHONY 2012" or "KONY 2012, YODO: you only donate once"

So I'm going to start off in left field, and return shortly after. Please bear with me.

As many of you know, technological advancement has always been a driving force of competition between countries. The technological capabilities of a country, dare I say it, define it's stature in the world. Needless to say, the Japanese would be the classiest of all, in my opinion #aznpride. Why I'm starting off with this, is somewhat irrelevant to the topic. I only initiated this to show how technology dependant our society has become.
Facebook serves as a means to remind people of birthdays (who needs calendars anymore), send out mass invitations, etc.
Twitter and Instagram serves as a "what I'm doing right now, at this very second, with a picture to prove it" notification service.
"Diary of an Exiled Prince (self proclaimed)" serves as my way of trying to get some @ss.

Through all mediums of social media, the hot topic is "KONY 2012". For those that aren't interested in doing the dirty work of researching, let me summarize to the best of my abilities.
1. Joseph Kony (war criminal that uses "kadogo" [child soldiers]) in charge of the LRA (Lord's resistance army). On the run, really dark black dude and shinier than Jermaine DuPree.
2. Invisible Children Inc. (non profit organization out to re-instate Uganda's military arms in an effort to stop Kony). They are widely criticized for being a shady non profit that refuses to provide necessary information to the Better Business Bureau in order for them to meet the BBB's standards. The heads of IC Inc. refuse to let their financials be audited independently, making them lose accountability. They openly admit that only 31% of the donations actually "help people". The remainder supports their travel expenses and film editing/creation.

I'm not here to persuade, dissuade or push any ideas on anyone. I'm just spreading knowledge that's relevant in the news today. Most people are concerned with what/who Kim K. is doing, who looks to be the leading contestant on "The Voice", or what the f*ck that Snookie tw@t is doing. Donate if you want. Sign up for the LRA for all I care. Just educate yourselves on what is going on with the world.
Make your donations, or just tell me what your thoughts are. Get at me,  O_Mega_Tron@twitter and omega_tron@instagram

"We do things because they are right, not because they are popular, Kony 2012 is something which is both." - J.Wallstreet.


  1. Thanks for the quote Tron. You once told me plagiarism isn't your thing. I am starting to believe it. When you gonna start your new video blog(Erectile Diary of an Exiled Prince)?

  2. Just signed up for an action kit. I got five on it, cuz Kony ain't my homie to begin wit.
