Friday, March 16, 2012

Comparing Apples to Oranges

i pad, u pad, we all pad for the iPad 3. You've heard correct ladies and gents! The day has finally come!!! Today is the highly anticipated date in which the iPad 3 makes its debut. And when I say "debut", I'm not talking about the coming of age story about Ben Mercado, a talented high school senior who has rejected his Filipino heritage, featuring Dante Bosco.

Who says the economy is going through financial hardships? Mother fuggas are going to be dropping close to a grand left and right just to purchase this sweet piece of equipment. And a great investment it is, until the iPad 4 drops.

Let me be honest. I was very resistant to transitioning any of my current technologies over to Apple. I thought, "I'm gonna be a blackberry user for life!". But you know what, you get wiser with age. I've switched over and have never looked back. I'm waiting for the new Macbook pro to drop to scoop that up. And right now I have that tingling sensation in my balls with the new arrival of the iPad 3.

Let's see, Retinal display, 3.1 million pixels on a 9.7 in screen? Carry the 6... that's 264 pixels per inch.
A5X processor and a quad-core graphics chip? LTE and about 10 hours worth of battery life? Who else has a boner right now, be honest... I bet every geek squad member's pants have just gotten tighter #technologywood

So what if its 1.4 lbs heavier? Tegra 3 better grab its ankles and take it like a G. iPad 3 about to tear it up.

No matter how much you resist it, you can't knock the strides of technological advancements that Apple has been making. Steve Jobs is probably developing "iGod" equipment in heaven for the big guy.

The idea of Apple being a conglomerate and bullying the little guy doesn't apply here. Get off your high horses, you haters. Look at all those Jeremy Lin band waggon jumpers. Difference is that the iPad isn't a fluke, and other teams haven't figured out a way to contain the iPad (other teams being Samsung and the like). Its not about popularity or what's in right now. It's about what's the best there is, and don't you deserve the best?

For all those people that are so against Apple that they're willing to settle for an inferior product to make yourself as unique as a snowflake.... you're absolutely downatello with an idiotic cause. "They're delusional or have mommy/daddy issues" - J.Wallstreet #realtalk
Okay, before things get all weird, not every owner of a tablet that isn't an ipad has had someone touch them in their no-no areas when they were younger... I hope.

I leave you all with this...
Levar Burton once told me, to my face, "of couse, you don't have to take my word for it.."

Visit your local Apple store. Check out the new product and tell me what you think. Get at me,  O_Mega_Tron@twitter and omega_tron@instagram and tell me why I'm wrong or if I've made a believer out of you.

     Adam was but human-this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden.” - Mark Twain. Even he knew what's up.

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