Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2012!

I hope that everyone's holidays were fantastic. Please feel free to let me know of any exciting activities you were able to partake in and would recommend that I try. However, if you feel like you had the most "EPIC" Christmas Break and New Year's EVER... keep that shit to yourself, I'm not trying to feel like my holidays were shitty in comparison to yours. #hatehatehate

It's been some time since I've updated, but there is a reason for that. I only blog when I'm away from friends and family, isolated and able to think/reflect. Due to this requirement, this past Christmas and New Year's, I was at home and unable to update you all. I was with friends and my family. Granted I didn't rage out every night, it was good to be home. I did have plans to visit NorCal this weekend, but decided that being with friends and family to usher in the new year would be the more ideal course of action. After what happened on NYE, it was well worth it.

I was sick, the week before break and remain slightly afflicted to this day. They tell you that when you're older your metabolism slows down, you slow down and your wisdom grows infinitely larger. Your immune system also weakens, but goddamn... my lungs have been acting like some pansy ass bitches. Nyquil has been my accomplice the last few weeks, and I'm not gonna lie, I think I'm addicted.

The year has just begun, so there will be plenty of time to get into the nitty gritty of everything. But to keep up to date with me, follow me.

@omega_tron  (instagram) and @O_mega_tron (twitter)

Keep an eye out for some hard hitting and controversial editorials I'll be sharing on here in a segment called "blogspot gone T.A.M".
check out the following too!

@tamalot (instagram)

"Congratulations on the wedding, I hope your wife knows she got a player for life and that's no bullshitting" - Tupac

(Congrats M.M. Nguyen and Danny's Ex)

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!!! I sure hope you do take the time out this year to reflect. Your banishment from the realm of Orange only sets the stage for your home coming. You have left as a prince in exile, but if the fates should have it you shall return as king. Not just any king, a king who rocks Big-Dick clothing(Patent Pending).
